Duration 3½ Hours
Type of trip Transport
Availability All year long
Excursion Group


Ideal for travelers who are arriving to Puno from other southern departments and want to make connection to Copacabana or La Paz (Bolivia). Let us assist you as you deserve, we offer you the Titicaca Peru Bolivia and Transzela tourist transportation, we pick you up from your hotels nearby, 30 minutes before your trip, the companies have the following departure times:


Morning 07:30 hrs. Peruvian time. 11:30 hrs. Bolivian time.
Afternoon 14:00 hrs. Peruvian time. 18:30 hrs. Bolivian time.
  • 07:30 am, departure from the city of Puno – Peru at Peruvian time, 09:30 am stop in Kasani-Yunguyo to complete migration formalities. 11:30 am arrival to You have the option to visit the Isla de Sol or take a city tour.
  • 02:30 pm, departure from the city of Puno – Peru at Peruvian time from the bus terminal, 05:30 pm stop in Kasani- Yunguyo for immigration procedures without change of bus, 06:30 pm arrival to Copacabana.


Ideal for travelers who are arriving to Copacabana from other Copacabana or La Paz (Bolivia) and want to make connection to airport of Juliaca. Let us assist you as you deserve, we offer you the Titicaca Peru Bolivia and Transzela tourist transportation, we pick you up from your hotels nearby, 30 minutes before your trip, the companies have the following departure times:


Morning 09:30 hrs. Boliviana time. 11:30 hrs. Peruvian time.
Afternoon 13:30 hrs. Boliviana time. 15:30 hrs. Peruvian time.
Evening 18:00 hrs. Boliviana time. 20:45 hrs. Peruvian time.
  • 09:00 hrs, departure from Copacabana, we arrive at the border Kasani – Yunguyo to complete migration formalities without change of At 11:30 am arrival to the city of Puno Peruvian time have the option to visit Lake Titicaca.
  • 13:30 hrs, departure from Copacabana, doing the same migration activities in Kasani – Yunguyo, arrival in Puno at 03:30 pm Peruvian time. You have the option to visit Lake Titicaca.
  • 18:00 hrs, departure from Copacabana, Migrations at the border Kasani – Yunguyo without change of bus, 08:45 pm Peruvian time arrival to Puno.

Discovering Puno - Copacabana

If you have any questions about the tour, prices, schedules, hotels, itinerary, etc., please contact us at:  ventas@kayak-laketiticaca.com or by WhatsApp 925 242 445 our travel experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

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